Updated Rules and Conditions for Registrations, Contesting and Day Transfers

Following the last Quarterly Forum meeting held in January, there have been a number of amendments to our Contesting, Registration and Day Transfer rules.
Updated rules and Day Transfer form have been sent to member bands today and can be accessed on this site.

The key changes are:
Rules & Conditions for Contesting & Registration
1.2 The scaba registry is open only to member bands and players who do not belong to an accredited National Registry.

4.1 Any player may only be registered with one band and one registry, and may only compete with one band except as qualified in Rule 2.2 and 2.5 – Youth Bands) and under the Day Transfer Rules.
5.4 The band registering any player, either annually or additionally, is responsible for ensuring that the player is not also registered with any other band under either the scaba Registry or any Accredited National Registry. Failure to check, and if necessary effect a proper transfer, may result in disqualification at subsequent contests.
9.9 Day Transfer of up to four (4) players will be permitted for Championship and First Section bands, and up to six (6) players for Second and Third section bands, in accordance with scaba’s Day Transfer Rules.
9.13 (on Contest Days) No instruments may be played within sound range of the stage.
Day Transfer Rules
a) For any one contest, a Championship or 1st section band may borrow (day transfer) up to 4 players and a 2nd or 3rd section band may borrow up to 6 players.
d) Borrowed players competing in the Championship section must be registered with bands graded by scaba in either the same section or sections lower than the borrowing band.
e) Borrowed players competing in the 1st section must be registered with bands graded by scaba in either the same section or sections lower than the borrowing band; or, of the four permitted borrowed players, up to two may be from one section higher.
f) Borrowed players competing in the 2nd and 3rd sections must be registered with bands graded by scaba in either the same section or sections lower than the borrowing band; or, of the six permitted borrowed players, up to three may be from one section higher.
g) Players borrowed under the Day Transfer rule may not play solos or occupy principal positions unless previously agreed by the scaba Contest Manager and Secretary.
Borrowed players will not be eligible for any individual soloist or instrumentalist prizes.

Please contact scaba’s Contest Manager Jane Stewart or Secretary Alex Stevens if you have any queries about these changes and how they affect you or your band.
email: contestmanager@scaba.co.uk / secretary@scaba.co.uk

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