Upcoming Contests
2024 scaba Autumn Entertainments Contest: Dartford, Saturday 28th September
Our annual Autumn contest is returning 2024, with a new venue and new format!
Our adjudicator will be Chris King (see aobba.com/user/chrisking for more information).
Large percussion will be provided by GI Percussion.
The contest information and entry pack can be downloaded here: 2024 Autumn Contest Entry Pack
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Competing bands will be provided with free "Competitors" tickets for their players, MD and chaperones. These can be collected at any time on contest day and are valid for all sections.
Supporters' tickets may be purchased on the day for £5.00 (Concessions (over 65/under 18) £3.00; Children under 10 yrs free)
Secretaries are reminded that all graded bands must use a Nationally accredited registry. Bands and players that are not nationally registered may compete as 'Ungraded' section.
All players in bands graded 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st or Championship section must be registered with the appropriate registry at least 9 days prior to the date of the contest.
Contesting & Registration Rules
scaba Contesting and Registration Rules
1. Registration of Players
1.1 Bands that are registered with either Brass Band Players Ltd (BBP), the Scottish Registry or an Overseas registry must use that registry to enter scaba contests.
1.2 National Registry rules apply.
1.3 Bands, including Youth bands, that do not come under clause 1.1 must provide a player list (see “Download Rules and Form” on the contesting page of the scaba website) and will be classed as “Ungraded” or “Youth” bands as applicable.
1.4 Registrations will only be checked on a contest day in the event of a query or complaint. Bands may request a full check of their own entry, if they feel it would aid their preparation for another contest.
2. Registration of Youth Bands
2.1 Players must be under 19 years old on the day of the contest.
2.2 Youth bands are NOT required to register their players.
3. Registration of Conductors (and/or Musical Directors)
3.1 Conductors do not need to be registered with any band.
3.2 Conductors cannot play with the band they are conducting/directing unless they are also registered with them.
3.3 Conductors may play with any band provided clauses 1.1 and/or 1.2 are followed.
4. Contests: Conditions of Entry and Registration
4.1 Bands must declare their current grading if they compete in the National Brass Band Championships of Great Britain/Scottish Brass Band Championships or equivalent overseas national contest.
4.2 Instructions given in the contest schedule must be followed.
5. Contests: Rules
5.1 Bands must play a minimum of 14 and a maximum of 60 instrumentalists.
5.2 A Youth band may include adult players in non-principal positions. (Principal positions are cornet, flugel, horn, baritone, trombone, euphonium or bass soloists). Adult players may number no more than 25% of the total number of players in the band.
5.3 Bands must have their own Safeguarding Lead (SL). The SL must have a working knowledge of the scaba’s governance as detailed on the scaba website.
All bands must also have its own Safeguarding Policy.
5.4 Bands must chaperone their own players aged 16 years and under. The ratio of supervising adults to children aged 16 and under must be no less that 1:12. scaba will provide free entry tickets for supervising adults based on this ratio.
scaba will apply for a Body of Persons Approved from Brass Bands England for any event (contest or otherwise) that it puts on.
5.5 Youth bands may substitute Bb trumpets for Bb cornets, and tubas in any pitch for EEb or BBb, for non-adult players. Plastic instruments (eg. PBones) are permitted.
5.6 All bands must play in uniform.
5.7 Brass players may assist on percussion but may only play one standard brass band instrument unless specified in the score.
6. Contests: Procedures on the Day
6.1 The contest may be pre-drawn or drawn on the day.
6.2 Adjudication may be open or closed. Adjudicators must be competent musicians approved by scaba and must furnish a written report of each band’s performance.
6.3 Bands may cover any player absence using the Day transfer rules
6.4 Copies of scores must be provided for the adjudicator by the date shown in the contest schedule. Photocopies must be marked “for adjudication only”, will not be returned to the submitting band, and will be destroyed by scaba after the contest.
6.5 The Contest Secretary/General Secretary is responsible for ensuring their players follow all the instructions given by contest officials.
6.6 scaba will maintain a permanent record of the results of the contest and pieces played by each band.
7. Day Transfer Rules
Bands may borrow/day transfer players subject to the following rules:
7.1 A player may play for 2 bands at any contest.
7.2 A player may be registered to contest with a band and may also be a regular member of an ungraded band. They may play for both bands without using the Day Transfer system.
7.3 Borrowed players will be assigned a points value according to the grading of the band that they are registered with (the Lending band) and the grading of the Borrowing band:
7.3.1 First Section: up to four (4) players may be borrowed from any Graded section,
with a maximum total points value no greater than 45.
Points values:
Player from a Championship section band = 15 points.
Player from a 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th section band = 10 points.
7.3.2 Second Section: up to six (6) players may be borrowed from any Graded section,
with a maximum total points value no greater than 60.
Points values:
Player from a Championship section band = 20 points.
Player from a 1st section band = 15 points
Player from a 2nd, 3rd or 4th section band = 10 points.
7.3.3 Third Section: up to six (6) players may be borrowed from any Graded section, with a maximum total points value no greater than 65.
Points values:
Player from a Championship section band = 25 points.
Player from a 1st section band = 20 points
Player from a 2nd section band = 15 points
Player from a 3rd or 4th section band = 10 points.
7.3.4 Fourth & Ungraded Sections: up to six (6) players may be borrowed from any
Graded section, with a maximum total points value no greater than 75.
Points values:
Player from a Championship section band = 30 points.
Player from a 1st section band = 25 points
Player from a 2nd section band = 20 points
Player from a 3rd section band = 15 points
Player from a 4th section band = 10 points.
7.3.5 Championship Section: up to four (4) players may be borrowed from any Graded section.
7.4 Players borrowed under the Day Transfer rules may not occupy principal positions unless
agreed by the scaba Contest Administrator and Secretary before the date of the contest.
Principal positions are defined as Soprano cornet, Principal cornet, Flugel, Solo Horn, 1st Baritone, 1st Trombone, Solo Euphonium, Lead EEb Bass and Lead Percussion.
7.5 Players borrowed under the Day Transfer rules may not play stand-up solos. Borrowed
players may play solos within a piece of music, however they will not be eligible for any individual soloist or instrumentalist prizes.
7.6 The Day Transfer Rules do not eliminate the option of borrowing a player due to illness on
the day of the contest.
7.7 All requests for Day transfers must be submitted no later than one (1) week before the day
of the contest with a completed Day Transfer form, which can be downloaded from the contesting page on the scaba website.
7.8 It is the responsibility of the Contest Secretary or Secretary of the borrowing band to
ensure that the registration card of any player on a Day Transfer is valid.
8. Protests and Appeals
8.1 All protests of any nature on the contest day must be made to the Secretary and take the
form of a signed written statement, accompanied by a deposit of ten pounds (£10).
Protests must be lodged prior to the announcement of any results.
8.2 The deposit will be refunded if the protest is upheld by the scaba officials present, who shall have the right to demand the immediate attendance of all parties concerned to state their case and produce evidence. The officials shall then notify the parties of their decision.
8.3 In the event of a protest being upheld, any prizes shall be awarded to the band or competitor next in order of merit.
8.4 Any band shall have the right to appeal against any such decision to the full Executive Committee of the Association, whose decision shall be final and binding.
9. General
9.1 scaba reserves the right to change these rules, having ratified the changes at an Executive Committee meeting and given due notice to the membership.
9.2 Separate rules may be issued for Solo, Duet, Quartet and Ensemble contests.
9.3 Queries should be raised in writing to the Secretary.
The interpretation of these rules rests with scaba.
Rules updated July 2024
Day Transfers
Our Day Transfer rules were revised in July 2019 to make it easier for bands in all sections to compete. We now use a points system which allows bands to borrow players from any section.
The details of this new system are outlined in Rule 7 of the scaba Contesting & Registration rules, which can be downloaded from this website.
Download Forms and Rules
Results Archive
You can view previous contest result pages by clicking on a link below