scaba Solo and Duet contest, 13th February 2016

With Christmas just around the corner, many of us will have some extra time on our hands for lots of home practice, so why not put it to good use and prepare for scaba’s first event of 2016?!

Our Solo and Duet Contest will be held on 13th February at St. Paul’s Catholic College in Burgess Hill, RH15 8GA. Our adjudicator for the day is Josh Cirtina, Bass Trombone player with the Fairey Band. Josh was awarded a Diploma with Distinction in Performance by the ABRSM, was the winner of the BTS Bob Hughes Bass Trombone Prize, and winner of the International Trombone Society George Roberts Prize, as well as being a semi finalist in the BBC Young Brass Musician competition.

Each section will run consecutively, starting with Juniors through to the ‘Open’ section. Adjudication will be open.

The schedule has been sent to member bands’ contests secretaries and is downloadable from this site. Section entry fees remain at £5 for children’s sections and £10 for adult (Please note that child entries in adult sections cost £10, not £5). Total entry fees are capped at £90 per band so that those who heavily support this contest don’t pay more to enter than you would for any of our other contests! We have also included the price of the adult competitor ticket in the entry fee.

Entrants are reminded that they are required to play in their normal band uniform.

The closing date for entries is Saturday 16th January 2016, and we cannot accept any late entries. Please note that the pre-draw will take place after all the entries and listings have been received. The approximate section timings will also be released at this point.

Please note that ‘ad-hoc’ adult parties can only enter the Open Solos. Junior or Youth ad hoc parties may enter the section relevant to their age.
Solo and Duet parties cannot be conducted, though they can be accompanied by a pianist. Accompanists must be provided by the party entered.

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