scaba’s AGM took place on Sunday 24th March at The Hawth Theatre. As usual, it was poorly attended by member bands.
We were sad to hear that both Sally and Vic Coleman had decided not to stand again, and indeed to resign from scaba completely. Sally and Vic have been part of the team for many years. Everyone who takes part in our contests will know them, and we will all miss them greatly. Both were instrumental in the re-branding of scaba a few years ago, and we have them to thank for our uniforms and website too. They have freely given countless hours of work to our organisation and we all wish them well in all they choose to do in the future.
Jane Stewart withdrew her intention, as stated at the January meeting, not to seek re-election, and continues as Contest Manager.
James Benka-Coker is looking after the website until a new webmaster can be found. If anyone has any expertise in that area and would like to get involved, please let Ian Carter (Hon. Secretary) know.
Chris Cannings continues as Treasurer and Andy Wilson as Chairman and Special Events Officer. Alex Stevens still gets to write up the minutes. Ivy and Ron Gray remain in post as Membership Sec. and Registrar, whilst Colin Morrison assumes the duties of Trophy Officer. Colin’s wife Sybil remains on the Executive committee, where she is joined by Pat Steele and Paul Homewood.
We would love to see a few more bands taking an interest in the organisation and would be pleased to see you at the quarterly forum meetings. The next one is on Sunday 23rd June at The Hawth Theatre, Crawley.