Ron Gray

It is with deep regret that I share the news that our Vice President and dear friend Ron Gray passed away peacefully in hospital last night, 14th January.

Ron first became interested in the world of Brass Banding during his National Service in the RAF in 1950, when he joined the station band in what was then Southern Rhodesia, playing 3rd Cornet and progressing to Rep Cornet when he was demobbed. He then played in Weymans Band for 2 years, before joining the Godalming Town Band in 1954. Ron was a playing member of Godalming band for 56 years, starting out on solo cornet and finishing up on E flat Bass!

Ron’s involvement in scaba started way back in the 1960’s. After a few years break, he became interested in becoming more involved and was accepted on the Committee where he has given us his time, energy and expertise ever since. Ron was the association’s Registrar for over 20 years and he also served for many years on the London & Southern Counties Regional contest team. In 2018 he and his wife Ivy were appointed Vice Presidents of scaba with grateful thanks for their many years of dedicated service.

Ron’s funeral service will be on Thursday 13th February, 1pm, at Godalming United Church, Bridge Road, Godalming, GU7 3DT
Please note carparking is limited at the church, so allow plenty of time to park elsewhere and walk a little way.
Family Flowers only; there will be a collection for the British Heart Foundation.
The church service will be followed by a family only service at the Crematorium.

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