Entertainment Contest Cancelled

It is with regret that scaba announces the cancellation of their Entertainment Contest, scheduled to take place on 20th May, due to lack of support.

The contest had a confirmed entry of just 9 bands and financial projections indicated that going ahead would incur a loss of approximately £1000. The association’s Executive Committee has reluctantly come to the conclusion that, whilst they do not wish to let down those bands that do support scaba events, it is financially imprudent to spend money on events which we know will make such a significant loss.

scaba thanks those bands who had entered for their support and commitment, and hopes to see them at next year’s Entertainment Contest, to which they will be given priority entry.

Plans are underway for a Solo and Quartet contest later this year, and scaba fully intends to go ahead as usual with the Autumn Contest in September. The next association meeting will review the contests scheduled for 2019, and will also make plans to introduce more sustainable, non-competitive, events in future.

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