The 2012 Workshop is set for Sunday 28 October at The Hawth, Crawley and will this year be for horn & flugel players.
We are extremely pleased to welcome Ailsa Russell from The Cory Band to be our Tutor.
The Workshop will be held during the morning, when a couple of pieces will be rehearsed as an ensemble.
During the afternoon Ailsa will be giving a recital, and there will be an opportunity for the Workshop delegates to perform the pieces they have rehearsed during the morning. There will also be an opportunity for some of you to come forward and play during the Masterclass section of the Workshop. This will be on a voluntary basis where the musician will perform a piece of their choosing and then receive constructive advice from Ailsa. We are looking for a maximum of five volunteers, so if you wish to be one of these please put that on the application form.
The Hawth has every facility we could need. Dressing rooms are available for our use and the restaurant will be open over lunchtime, serving hot meals, sandwiches, snacks and drinks
The adult cost of the Workshop will be £10.00 – lunch not included. For young people under 18 scaba will sponsor half of the fee making their cost £5.00.
To guarantee your place, in what will be a popular event, please complete the application form and return with your cheque to the Workshop Organiser.